The Libertarian Party is proud to endorse these principled candidates running in local nonpartisan elections in November 2023.

Sam Sheehan
Issaquah City Council, Position 6
Sam Sheehan is a welder, business owner, and 24-year Issaquah resident who’s fed up with individual rights getting sidelined for the “greater good.” Unlike the career politicians who usually fill council seats, Sam is in this race because he wants you to have the right to be left alone.

Ryan Sugden
Bellevue School Board, Position 2
Ryan is a loving father who is active in his kids’ lives and in the PTSA. He is fed up with the district ignoring parents and intends to give them what libertarians hold dear: Choices. He recognizes that many families in Bellevue have no say in decisions that involve their children, and that they have the right to choose what works best for them.

Robert McGee
South Kitsap Fire and Rescue Commissioner, Position 3
Anyone who knows Robert knows he is unafraid to speak the truth and hold government accountable. Robert is well known in the community for championing libertarian free-market principles. His years of experience in the private sector will be essential in bringing creative solutions and a small-government perspective to the South Kitsap Fire Commission.
Robert’s Voter Statement
Campaign website
Stuart Knight
Onalaska School Board, Position 1
Stuart Knight is radically freedom-minded. He pulls no punches with his support for school choice and sanity in governance. Stuart will never be afraid to say what everyone else in the room wishes they could say, and will tirelessly defend your family’s right to choose your children’s education.
*Already advanced to November General

Brian Kemp
Stanwood City Council, Position 4
Brian is a staunch supporter of 2A rights, property rights, bodily autonomy, and will not stand for the government superseding individual freedoms. He is levelheaded and reasonable, and his input on the Stanwood city council will be highly valuable.

Sydney Wissel
Moran Cemetery Commissioner, Position 3
Sydney Wissel is whip-smart, detail-oriented, and committed to reducing bureaucracy and increasing freedom. She’s experienced at working across party lines, and will surprise you with her creative solutions.
Campaign website
These Libertarian candidates need your support! Give to LPWA today to help support Libertarian campaigns.
Are you wondering “Why aren’t there more Libertarian candidates?”. Well, we need YOU to run for office in 2024 and 2025! Please let us know if you are open to filing as a candidate. If you are unsure or have questions, we can help.
Primary candidates
These candidates were endorsed by the LPWA in the 2023 primary election, but did not advance to the general election.

Nehemiah Västinsalo
Aberdeen City Council, Ward 6, Position 12
Nehemiah is a longtime libertarian who is serious about reducing regulatory burdens on individuals, and opposing any policies that restrict personal freedom. He is highly committed to transparency and fiscal responsibility, and will make sure citizens of Aberdeen are served well by their city council.
Nehemiah’s Voter Statement

Alan Rubio
Alderwood Water Commissioner, Position 3
Alan Rubio is a mover and shaker! He’s got his eyes on making changes in Snohomish County. He’s well versed in libertarian principles and will apply his formidable energy to secure transparency and efficiency in the Alderwood Water District.
Alan’s Voter Statement
Alan in the media: Lynnwood Times

Randy McGlenn
Spokane City Council, Position 1
Randy McGlenn is a beloved chair emeritus of the Libertarian Party of Washington. He has served on transportation boards in Spokane for years, faithfully representing libertarian principles in the weeds of local government. He is well known to the LPWA community and any city would be lucky to benefit from his measured decisionmaking.
Randy’s Voter Statement

Tricia Phillips
West Valley School Board, Position 3
Tricia’s motivation for running is simple: “I just want them to do their job.” The West Valley district is an institution of assembly line thinking and gatekeeping, and Tricia is the right person to change it. She will hold the administration’s feet to the fire.
Tricia’s Voter Statement